Saturday, August 13, 2011

64000 DWT Bulk Carrier & 5000 DWT Product Tankers

NORR Systems Group is breaking new grounds with its undertaking of Ship building and Ship owning business. From being a major player in marine and offshore, the company is now embarking to build and own 2 units of 64,000 DWT bulk carriers and 4 units of 5000 DWT product tankers.

NORR Systems currently owns and operates a fleet of existing 5 oil tankers of various sizes and wish to expand its business with investments that can bring the group to higher grounds.

BP Angola FPSO & BW Offshore Papa Terra

NORR Systems has successfully completed delivery of the Cargo Valve Control package to BP Angola PSVM FPSO. With over 1500 I/Os and hydraulics integrated into a complete FDS package, NORR take responsibility for one of the most important systems onboard an FPSO.

The company established a good track record with our customer MODEC, and has successfully delivered several systems to MODEC projects before including Vietnam’s FPSO Song Doc Pride MV19 & Petrobras Opportunity Gas #2. Once again, we have established our success with BP and MODEC, not letting our customers down.

With good track record at hand, NORR Systems is awarded by BW Offshore for the P-63 FPSO Papa Terra complete Cargo Valve System package. Delivering over 500 Cargo valves and integration of the complete Cargo system, NORR wish to bring about highest quality possible to such heavy responsibility entrusted by our customer BW Offshore.

NORR Systems Sets Foot in Brazil and India

NORR Systems continues to expand global presence. Headquartered in Singapore, the company now operates in several other locations in strategic areas of the world. Already set up in several locations in China with main operations in Shanghai, NORR Systems wish to repeat its success to the BRIC group of countries.
Brazil – NORR Systems whom is registered with Petrobras wish to provide presence and support near its customers.  Office located in Rio de Janeiro and supported by the Singapore Government, we wish to leverage our strength and repeat our success across Brazil and neighbouring countries.
India – NORR Systems has known the strength of India’s Silicon Valley for a long time now. We capitalize on the strength of India to establish a software base there to enable our products to be well established and tested by India’s pool of software experts. It is a world today that human cannot live without software and automation.
More information:

NORR Systems – Singapore’s Most Respected Marine Offshore Group

NORR Systems has walked thru 22 years of hard work to become a major integrator, manufacturer and ship owner. Today, with over 100,000 sq. ft. of factory space, over 35 million dollars of fixed assets and manpower of over 300 staffs, we are committed to Marine and Offshore seriously.
Ranked 32 among Singapore’s TOP 500 SME companies and targeting a turnover of 200 million dollars in 2012, we wish to invite partners and customers to walk with us as we share fruits and success together.
NORR Systems Group today has the following major divisions:
NORR Hydraulics Division
-       FPSO / FSO Cargo Valve Control Systems
-       FPSO / FSO Cargo Tank Radar Systems
-       Deck Machinery Hydraulics
-       Subsea HPU
-       Steering Gear Systems
-       Wellhead Control Systems
-       Hydraulics for Topside
-       Customized Hydraulics for Special projects
NORR DP and Power Division
-       Dynamic Positioning Systems
-       Power Management Systems
-       MCC, Medium Voltage, Low Voltage Switchboards
-       Green Propulsion Systems

 NORR Shipbuilding
-       Ship Ownership (Please see our fleet list at our webpage)
-       Ship Chartering
-       Ship Financing
-       Major Equipment design and recommendation
-       Overall Project Management
 First Oil – Bunkering
-       Fuel and Gas Oil Bunkering
More information:

Monday, April 25, 2011

Norr Shipbuilding – Contract signed for 4 + 4 Shipsets

Norr Systems Shipbuilding – With the growing order book, the company is fast becoming a total solutions engineering company providing both turnkey construction and vessel management. Norr Systems Shipbuilding services include financing, design, main equipment selection, project management, purchase & sale of vessels and chartering. Above photo is taken during the contract signing in China for Norr Systems 4 + 4 Shipsets of 4,999 DWT bunker tankers.

Norr Systems Hydraulics Pte Ltd, strengthening its foothold in the West

21 March 2011 - Norr Systems Hydraulics Pte Ltd, subsidiary of Norr Systems Group held its grand opening ceremony led by General Manager for Operation, Mr. Casey Lee and Department Heads.  Norr Systems Hydraulics Division is now strategically located at 9A Lok Yang Way, Singapore 628628.

The new division of Norr Systems Group will take over all the Hydraulics needs of the entire organization. The company now located at the West industrial area of Singapore has a 38000 sq ft manufacturing site that focuses in producing and designing hydraulics systems and solutions for marine, offshore and industrial applications.

Norr Systems Hydraulics Management is led by Mr. Ray Heng for Sales and Mr. Casey Lee for Operation. Both managers have over 20 years of extensive experience in the hydraulics industry.

Norr Hydraulics workforce  compose of multi-racial and multi-cultural full time employees hailing from all over Asia including Singapore, Malaysia,  Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar, India, Sri Lanka, and the People’s Republic of China.  They have an effective blend of youthful vigor and experience. More significantly, hydraulics team is composed of technically trained professionals from a wide spectrum of disciplines.

With a positive and firm belief for growth, Mr. Casey Lee speaks: “By enhancing our ability to work together, we will build mutual respect and understanding, which will help increase our company stability and security”. Management is looking forward for improved customer service & good visibility among customers leading to boost sales figure by end of the financial year.

For Hydraulics enquiries, please contact: Tel: +65 6795 6808, Fax: +65 6795 1323 or Email:

Norr Systems, appointed OEM System Integrator by ABB

Norr Systems has been working hand in hand with several companies, to provide its customers the best and most reliable solutions in the field. Recently, the company once again gained support from one of the leaders in power and automation technologies, ABB.

Norr Systems meets the stringent requirements in Engineering Capability, Production & Quality Standards and Workmanship to be qualified as ABB’s OEM and Preferred System Integrator. The company has been employing ABB components on its product systems. ABB standard worldwide warranty is applied to all ABB components (breakers) and equipment used in switchboards manufactured by Norr Systems Singapore.

Norr Systems DP and Power Division have successfully launched its main switchboard and power management system.

Through the years, Norr Systems has always maintained its good quality image and reliability among its customers. Norr Systems and ABB have managed to maintain good relationship and cooperation due to their common goal of producing high quality solutions to the public.

Norr Systems New Business Divisions

In its commitment to provide solutions on a global scale, NORR Systems, known provider of excellent engineering service and products for the marine, power, oil and gas industries has launched new strategic business groups. The new divisions were formed to address the growing demand and requirements of the marine, offshore and other major industries.  

Today, Norr Systems Group is divided into NORR Hydraulics, NORR DP and Power, NORR Shipbuilding and First Oil – Bunkering.

The four major divisions are expected to create stronger system solutions for various industries as well as provide better customer satisfaction through consolidated efforts of the group.

The company is looking forward to successful execution of its expansion plans by this year. The company’s newly added division – Norr Shipbuilding starts with a US$20 million investment for construction of bunker tankers. Awarded contracts for vessel construction and service have proven the reliability and confidence the company has built over the years.

While the company’s bunkering division under First Oil Pte Ltd carry on fuel/oil trading and ship bunkering services. Norr Systems Group has made huge investments to expand the groups businesses and meet the growing demands of the Marine and Offshore sectors.

Monday, April 4, 2011

NORR SYSTEMS --- Leading Engineering and Manufacturer in Asia & other parts of the world for the Oil & Gas, Marine & Power Industries.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Norr Systems Group Unveils New Divisions

In its commitment to provide solutions on a global scale, NORR Systems --- known provider of excellent engineering service and products for the marine, power, oil and gas industries --- has created new strategic business groups. The new divisions were formed to address the growing demand and requirements of the marine, offshore and other major industries.  

Today, Norr Systems Group is divided into NORR Hydraulics, NORR DP and Power, and NORR Shipbuilding Division. The three major divisions are expected to offer stronger system solutions for various industries as well as provide better customer satisfaction through consolidated efforts of the group.

The company’s newly added division – Shipbuilding Division starts with a US$20 million investment for construction of oil tankers. Through this endeavor, Norr Systems is expected to create an opportunity to expand upon its relationship with several offshore clients. The company is looking forward to the execution of its expansion plans by this year.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Successfully Delivered Equipments for BP Angola PSVM FPSO

Norr Systems has successfully completed delivery of the equipment package to BP Angola PSVM FPSO. The equipment package includes Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU), Unit Control Panel, Valves, Actuators, Deck boxes and ESD System. Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) and delivery started last quarter of 2009 and ended July of the present year.

It can be noted that Norr Systems was awarded with the contract for supply of Hydraulic Valve Remote Control System by MODEC Offshore Production Systems.  Norr Systems has successfully       delivered several systems and services to MODEC before and they have been one of the major customers of the company. Success for repeated contracts can be attributed to the company’s reliable systems design, highly dedicated and technically-equipped engineers.

MODEC has been awarded with Frame Agreement from BP for the supply of FPSO under EPCI Contract for the PSVM (Plutão, Saturno, Vênus and Marte) Development in Block 31 Offshore Angola. The project is a hub field development and has been under construction since 2008. The FPSO will have production capacity of 157,000 barrels per day and a storage capacity of 1,600,000 barrels of oil. The FPSO is designed to operate for 20 years without dry-docking and its first oil from the development is scheduled in 2011.

Hyrax Pte Ltd, Norr Systems New Acquisition To Serve Hydraulics Industry

Norr Systems, true to its goal of delivering complete package and solutions to the marine, power, offshore and other major industries, recently acquired Hyrax Pte Ltd, a local company specializing in Hydraulics. 

Hyrax Pte Ltd, formally known as Boran Hydraulics Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd, has been has been representing and distributing hydraulic products to the Asia- Pacific region.

The company also design and produce hydraulics systems and solutions for any hydraulic applications. With 25 years of hydraulic experience Hyrax has been flexible and responsive to the customer needs.

Management of Hyrax Pte Ltd composing of Mr. Casey Lee, Mr. Ray Heng and Mr. Jason Son are former members of Bosch Rexroth and have over 20 years experience in the Hydraulics Industry.  

With Hyrax onboard, Norr Systems is expected to deliver the most versatile solution for hydraulic requirements not just in marine and offshore but also in general industries, power and even defense.

Norr Systems is continuously being managed by its founders, Mr. Kenneth Lee, Terry Lim and Patson Go, who remain committed to its promise to address the needs of the company and its employees, reach across the borders that separate nations while improving opportunities to provide best quality products and services in the global market.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Norr Systems securing two newbuildings

NORR Systems is glad to bring to our group a new division - New Shipbuilding Division and Vessel Management. Asset Management has always been a key direction for our group.

The company will invest US$20 million for construction of oil tankers. The group has already plans for more similar projects in the pipeline.

As NORR Systems has already obtained the contract for the vessels to be chartered. Target delivery of first vessel is 1st quarter 2012 and 2nd vessel 6 months thereafter.

The job scope includes Design, Engineering, Procurement and Project Management.

Norr Systems will finance, supply equipment including main engines and all auxiliary equipments onboard vessel as well as provide project management on site to deliver quality vessels to owner. Furthermore, Norr Systems shall provide service contract for maintenance and servicing of the entire two vessels for the subsequent 7 years after completion of the turnkey contract.

With more than 20 years of experience, Norr Systems has successfully delivered countless automation systems and services to various companies in Asia and other parts of the world.

Recently, it has completed its delivery of equipment package to BP Angola PSVM FPSO. Success for repeated contracts can be attributed to the company’s reliable systems design, highly dedicated and technically-equipped engineers.

Norr Systems aims to be part of the growing global market share for new buildings.  It will take part in providing services and infrastructure to the S$200 billion Offshore Oil and Gas industry.